Big Tech Earnings Preview: AAPL, AMZN, GOOGL, META, MSFT & SHOP

Earnings season is kicking in to full gear as GOOGL (3.96%) and MSFT (5.6%) report earnings, which comprise 9.58% of the S&P 500 between the two of them!

Ayesha and I give a detailed preview for AAPL, AMZN, GOOGL, META, MSFT, and SHOP discussing what we're saw from these companies prior earnings reports, and what we're looking for this time.

We also discuss business-specific headwinds and tailwinds, and give our thoughts on how these companies are doing overall.

Examining this week's big tech earnings

We hope you enjoy the video! We've also included the complete slide deck below in PDF format for our members to download and utilize.

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