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Market Prep: Week of March 28, 2022

Hey Traderade Family, it's time again to dig into some charts for the week ahead! If you're new to the site, most of my analysis is focused on the S&P500 (ES Mini Futures) because that's primarily what I trade. I typically start by briefly reviewing last week before getting more granular about the week ahead. Let's dig in!

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Fernando Perez
Fernando Perez
Mar 28, 2022

Thank you, Horse. And enjoy your vacation! One question for when you're back: When looking at LVNs, I'm never sure where to "draw the line" on them. In this case, when I look at the YTD volume profile on my charts, I would have marked the upper LVNs at around 4615 and 4740 (because that's more or less the middle of the LVN). You mark them some points above. Is it because on a bullish move you'd rather mark the upper end of the LVN? Is it more about looking for the biggest round number around it? Should I stop trying to guess and finally let you answer? 😀


Gary Mau
Gary Mau
Mar 28, 2022

Happy vacation!


Mar 27, 2022

Awesome as always

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