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Trade Review Video: May 11, 2023

Ever have one of those trading sessions where everything goes wrong? I traded so poorly today I decided to make a video about it. Somebody smarter than me once said "mistakes are the best teacher," so let's review my mistakes from today and learn from it!

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I also had a bad day yesterday. It helped to hear that you did, too. Especially because you are a much better/more experienced futures trader than I am. Thankfully the day before was amazing, so I had that to give back. I suppose I'm still figuring out my drawdown stats with the 5&30 ORBs. >80)


Brian Stafford
Brian Stafford
May 11, 2023

Thanks for this Horse. Helps a bunch to hear your thought process at the time. That weak low left behind today probably gets tested sooner than later imo. Maybe that 25/35 zone acts as resistance after the next flush through?

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